Mobile App Helps Consumers Avoid Toxins in Products

The latest technology development in the field of identifying healthy cosmetic choices offers to help the increasing number of consumers who have become pioneers in the pursuit of a more natural and healthy lifestyle, that includes avoiding environmental toxins. The new tool, “Skin Deep” is a progressive mobile app, developed by the Environmental Working Group.…

How to Avoid Skin Eruptions

The Best and Worst Foods For Skin Health Keep your skin clear with these foods: Leafy Greens – Whether you are dealing with skin eruptions or trying to avoid them, leafy greens are one important basic food group that will help keep skin clear, so you should include them as much as possible in your…

Research Finds Safer Treatments for Psoriasis Lesions

Fascinating state of the art research, funded by the National Psoriasis Foundation, NPF, is looking more deeply into the way skin microbes communicate with each other, and how they influence the immune system’s ability to respond to infection. The Lozick Discovery Research Grant has been awarded to Pranab Mukherjee, Ph.D, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,…